In 1980, Mustafa, a struggling factory worker, faces financial hardship while trying to save his wife’s life. Rejected by his boss, he flees, leaving his daughter with a wealthy family. With the help of a caring housekeeper, Mustafa infiltrates the family to be near his daughter, leading to a romance with the housekeeper. Together, they uncover the family’s dark intentions towards his daughter, setting off a perilous journey filled with love, sacrifice, and resilience. PASTEL
In 1980, Mustafa, a struggling factory worker, faces financial hardship while trying to save his wife’s life. Rejected by his boss, he flees, leaving his daughter with a wealthy family. With the help of a caring housekeeper, Mustafa infiltrates the family to be near his daughter, leading to a romance with the housekeeper. Together, they uncover the family’s dark intentions towards his daughter, setting off a perilous journey filled with love, sacrifice, and resilience. PASTEL
Azem, who has a happy life with his wife and two children, is a literature teacher loved by his students. His life changes completely in a single night as he goes to prison for killing his wife. However the reality is different, his little daughter accidentally causes her mother’s death, and Azem takes the blame to protect her. Azem, who has spent several years between four walls, has only one goal when he gets out of prison: To find his children and to sit on a dinner table with them again. But this will not be easy at all. When he was imprisoned, his children were taken under state protection and from there they were adopted by different families. When he gets out of prison, he spends the first night in a nasty hotel which he would normally never choose. This is where he will cross paths with Dilber who is one of the hotel’s regular customers. BKM