TV Asahi has outlined a new management plan that takes the Japanese broadcaster through its 65th anniversary next year and sets an ambitious path towards a TV schedule that will top the country’s all-day and prime-time ratings by 2026.
The broadcast TV plan involves strengthening daily news programmes and drama slots, which TV Asahi says is “contributing to the current high ratings”.
The strategy, outlined in the “TV Asahi for the New Era Management Plan 2023-2025”, is anchored in the broadcaster’s basic philosophy that “content is the source of all value”, and will, management says, “create a strong foundation for 2023-2025”.
The 360-degree mission presented to stakeholders this month is to “create a world that encourages the pursuit of dreams and aspirations by delivering information and content that are both inspiring and worthy to society”.
Multiple platforms and properties are involved, including the Tokyo Dream Park scheduled to be complete in 2025 with a grand opening in Spring 2026.
Part of the vision revolves around “TV for the new era”, taking the company “from station to studio”.
The plan is to ensure that “every person of the TV Asahi Group will be creators and innovators and will maximise the value of content”.
In addition to building a ratings-winning broadcast schedule, TV Asahi plans to monetise and increase revenue by extending digital distribution of content on, for example, Japanese streaming platforms Abema and TVer. TV Asahi also plans to have two million subs to its Telasa platform by FY2024.