New Japanese action series, “The Days”, debuted on Netflix’s top 10 global non-English language TV series for the week of 29 May-4 June 2023, one of four Asian series on the list dominated by Spanish drama and a rare win for Japanese drama.
But it was Korea’s JTBC that emerged as a clear winner for the week, with involvement in all three of the other Asian series on the list: medical/family comedy “Dr Cha” at #2 with 22.8 million hours viewed in its sixth week on the list; family/comedy series “The Good Bad Mother”, at #3 with 22.8 million hours viewed; and workplace drama, “Agency”, which was viewed for 7.1 million hours around the world in its first week on the list.
“The Days” is about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011, told from the perspective of the government, corporate organisations, and those who put their lives on the line.
Although the eight-part series directed by Hideo Nakata and Masaki Nishiura didn’t make it to #1 in any market, “The Days” was in the top 10 list in 37 countries for the week.
In Japan, the series ranked #6 for the week, behind Korean family/romcom drama “Young Lady and Gentleman”, which was #1; dating reality show “Love Village”, which has been on the top 10 list in Japan for four weeks already; and Korea’s “Dr Cha”.
The mini series was also beaten in its home market by domestic sports drama “Sanctuary”, produced by Slow Tide.
“The Days” premiered on Netflix on 1 June.