Mainland Chinese animated action/adventure series, “Adventurer Carly”, is on its way to Europe, the Americas and Africa in a deal between Chinese animation house Fantawild Animation and Spain’s DeAplaneta Entertainment.
The 52x13 minute series is “Boonie Bears” creator Fantawild's first foray into the action adventure genre for children's animation.
The show follows the 14-year-old Carly, who is trained as a wilderness survivalist and an archeology enthusiast by her father Zag. When Zag goes missing, Carly joins forces with her friends Bobby and Morgan to search for her dad.
DeAPlaneta said that the agreement reinforces its strategy to collaborate and work with leading production and entertainment companies in Asia from early stages of development into globally successful IP.
“It's hard to find properties with this potential that can make it outside of Asia,” said Carlos Biern, DeAplaneta Kids & Family’s director of distribution and content.
“We believe this first collaboration can mark a long strategic partnership between our groups,” he added.
The agreement, which also includes Australia and New Zealand, covers licensing, media and digital rights.
The companies said this week that “Adventurer Carly” would start broadcasting around the world in 2024.
“Adventurer Carly” is the first TV series Fantawild created outside of the "Boonie Bears" franchise since its inception in 2011.
In China, the series has already been released on Golden Eagle Cartoon, Jiajia Cartoon, KAKU Children and Youman Cartoon, along with Tencent Video, iQiyi, Youku and Mango TV.