The first TV adaptation of popular Malaysian movie franchise, "Kampung Pisang", premieres on Malaysian platform, Astro, on 7 December as 12-episode comedy series, "Kampong Pisang Bersiri-Siri".
Directed by "Kampung Pisang" filmmaker, Mamat Khalid, in his first time out as a TV director, the one-hour Astro original production will air on Mondays at 9pm on multiple Astro channels as well as on Astro’s mobile streaming platform.
The TV series unites village characters and craziness from the film franchise, including Pak Jabit and Husin from the zombie movie "Zombi Kampung Pisang", and introduces new characters.
Popular celebrities will feature in each episode, including Datuk Awie, Hazama and Ellie Suriaty.
The TV series uses imaging tech from Australia and sound/audio mixing was done in Thailand, Khalid says.
In the run-up to the TV premiere, Astro is airing the original movies on its on-demand platform.